11 May 2015

Sydney museums

I love museums, let me just put that in there. I especially love the museums of modern art not only because of the fascinating exhibitions but most of all the space. Somehow I find the tall rooms and the industrial background noise extremely soothing. It's funny because I also love airports which are the complete opposite to quiet and peaceful museums. 

 Anyway, you have probably already figured out why I insisted seeing a few museums while I was in Sydney. I picked two the most interesting ones which were The Museum of Sydney, which turned out to be a bit disappointing as I was expecting to see a much larger exhibition, and The Museum of Applied Arts and Science aka MAAS, which turned out to be even better than I had expected.

MAAS is located in the old Powerhouse just about a ten minute walk from Darling Harbour. In there were various free exhibitions as well as one for which you had to buy a ticket. We ended up going only to the free exhibitions and in the end I can say there was plenty to see. The final works of art students were very beautiful. We had loads of fun walking through the evolution of computers and pointing at the first Macintosh computers as well as the first iPads. There was also another part of the Undressed exhibition about the evolution of underwear I went to see in Brisbane.

If you happen to pass by this gorgeous building I really recommend to go and have a look inside.

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